About the Author

IMG_3283I would like to take the time to introduce myself to give you a background of who I am and just allow you to get to know me a little better. My name is Chantal and I have a huge passion for exercise and nutrition. I just found out recently that I am a REGISTERD KINESIOLOGIST!!! Woohoo!! I have also recently become a Certified Personal Trainer and a Certified Health Coach! For many years my passion has been to motivate people to exercise and eat healthy. Many times I have been told that I light up whenever I start talking about these topics. Upon realizing my passion, I started researching many different ways that I could get to do this for a living, but it took many hours, days and weeks researching the “name of the job that I wanted to do”. I would interview people asking them what they got to do for a living to see if my dreams fit their job titles. Finally, when at Humber I discovered that I wanted to work in Health Promotion and Wellness. I would also love to work as a Personal Trainer so that I can directly help people exercise and improve their health. I had a great opportunity for an internship while in College getting to spend a month interning at Toronto General Hospital at the University Health Network’s Wellness Centre. Here I got to write blogs and newsletters, lead stretch breaks for nurses, provided people with resources to attend healthy events in Toronto and the GTA, worked on the UHN recognition program among other things.  I loved interning there, but in the future, I know I want to work with people more in either small groups or individually, finding a way for them to achieve their health goals. I would love to see people change and be the healthiest and happiest version of themselves that they can be. I am currently seeking out job opportunities to work in this field and over time, once I gain experience, I hope to open my own company.

Exercise and nutrition to me are answers to many of life’s problems. Whether you’re struggling from having high blood pressure or are paralyzed by anxiety, exercise can help. I believe that when people are diagnosed with a problem, getting a pill for a “quick fix” should not be the only answer recommended by doctors. Instead, doctors should be prescribing a pair of running shoes and a dog. As for my own personal interest, I am a huge fan of zumba and find it to be an amazing stress reliever in addition to being the funnest exercise ever. As for nutrition, eating healthy is a way of life for me. I have been eating well for many years now and find that it really makes a difference in overall health and appearance. I do still struggle, just like everyone else, with cravings. Recently, every time I have a craving I remind myself of the quote “a moment on your lips, forever on your hips”.

Please feel free to ask me questions about topics that you would like more information on either in person or through email at the address wellness@cardinalcouriers.com. Despite having a background in exercise and nutrition, I do not know all the answers. If there is something that I don’t know the answer to, I will gladly look up information among different sources that I know have reliable information.

Keep checking this blog regularly for wellness information! Looking forward to hearing from you and getting this journey started!

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