Some Motivation to Start your Week

Hello everyone!

I sincerely apologize for the delay in writing a blog post. I recently got a new job as a personal trainer so I’ve been busy with meetings and such. Here’s a great quote I saw and had to share it with all of you. It’s quite motivating! Do something today to reach your goals!!


8 Easy Ways to Stand More

  1. Walk more at work: Park your car farther away from your building; use stairs not elevators; take a long route to the restroom or mail room.
  2. While computing, set a timer to remind you to stand up and stretch every half hour; take this time to pick-up and clean your work area.
  3. Stand up when you talk on the phone.
  4. Don’t send emails if the recipient is near; walk over and talk to him or her.
  5. Avoid long sitting commutes by standing on the bus, subway or train.
  6. When watching TV, lose the remote; get up to change the channels.
  7. Stand or exercise while you watch TV, or just stand and move around during pesky commercial breaks.
  8. During intense gaming, stand up in between sessions and screen loads.

Suggestions from:

The Health Hazards of Sitting – In picture form!

I realize there are lots of words to this but still take a look. Countless of times we hear sitting is bad for you, but we don’t always know all the repercussions. Take a look at this picture and use it as motivation to get up and move as much as possible!

The picture wouldn’t upload on the blog so check it out in the link below:

Inactivty & the Brain

I’m sure you’ve heard many times that being active is great for your brain, but did you know that being inactive is actually bad for your brain? Your brain is something that is ever changing — it doesn’t just stop evolving once you hit a certain age. How do you do something like this? You exercise! I read a really cool article called How Inactivity Changes the Brain from Well which is based off of a study found in The Journal of Comparative Neurology. This study was done on rats (yes, I know rats… but they said they the results are likely to have implications for humans as well) by scientists Wayne State University School of Medicine. Here’s a quick summary on what they found:

  • 12 Dozen Rats
  • 1/2 rats had a running wheel where they could run anytime they wanted while 1/2 didn’t have the wheel and had to remain sedentary
  • 3 months later, a dye was injected into the rats that would illuminate certain parts of the brain, specifically that affecting the heart and lungs
  • Active rat’s neurons were still shaped the same as they were when the study started
  • Inactive rats’ nerouns changed in a way that would make them easily over-stimulated leading to a potential increase in blood pressure which potentially could lead to heart disease
  • “This finding is important because it adds to our understanding of how, at a cellular level, inactivity increases the risk of heart disease, Dr. Mueller said. But even more intriguing, the results underscore that inactivity can change the structure and functioning of the brain, just as activity does.”

Research done by:

  1. Nicholas A. Mischel1,
  2. Ida J. Llewellyn-Smith1,2,
  3. Patrick J. Mueller1,*

Article first published online: 20 DEC 2013

DOI: 10.1002/cne.23464

Want more information? Check out the study’s abstract and the full study here:;jsessionid=6AD3A6FF01EE4E469863C34EADE28869.f03t01

Check out the article here:

The Mini Elliptical – Your Answer to not gaining weight while Sitting at Work?

If I had a dollar for every time I heard someone say “I don’t have time to work out” or “I keep gaining weight because I sit at my desk all day long. I can’t help it. I have a desk job”… I would be a very rich girl. Finally I’d be able to afford my Lamborghini (but that’s beside the point). So often people use sitting at their desk job an excuse for not working out. Sometimes it’s a viable excuse but sometimes it really is just that — an excuse. To all those people who are looking to workout/not gain weight while at work, researchers at the Penn State College of Medicine may have the answer to your problems… the SMALL ELLIPTICAL EXERCISE DEVICE!

Researchers have found that most Americans gain 1-2 pounds per year through being sedentary by spending 11 hours a day sitting (taking into account transportation, sitting in front of a computer and sitting in front of a TV). Researchers at Penn State selected 32 participants to use this device while they were sitting at work. Variables such as heart rate and energy produced were examined while participants used this machine. Results from this study found that 86% of individuals who used this machine worked hard enough to not have the 1-2 lbs of weight gain at the end of the year. The other 14 percent of people could have similar/the same affects if they increased their speed while being on the elliptical. Pretty cool, huh? (Rovniak et al, 2014)

Penn State (2014, January 22). Small elliptical exercise device may promote activity while sitting. ScienceDaily. Retrieved January 23, 2014, from
­ /releases/2014/01/140122091944.htm#%2EUuEjskWUJ6c%2Etwitter

Just as an FYI, I looked up this nifty little machines and they cost approximately $150. I’d say it’s worth the try if you’re looking for a way to be healthier while at work and being sedentary.

For more information, check out the article on Science Daily:

Food Friday: Delicious Healthy Snacks

I know I usually post recipes on Food Fridays, but today I wanted to give you a bunch of healthy snack ideas. Usually when we’re hungry throughout our day, we grab for the convenient stuff… which is typically in the vending machine. Here are a bunch of tips for healthy snack ideas that could leave you satisfied. All of these tips are from Women’s Health Magazine… enjoy :)!


The Benefits of B’s by Joy McCarthy

Lately I’ve been reading up on Joy McCarthy’s website and her new book, Joyous Health: Eat & Live Well without Dieting. I have really enjoyed what I have been reading so far and have definitely learned a lot. I know some people are opposed to the idea of holistic nutrition, but I love it. I would rather eat the right things (and exercise) to feel better and be healthier rather than popping some pills to mask my issues. One thing I was reading the other night is how much food affects your mood and vice versa. In addition, not having certain nutrients can cause you to feel down and out and not function properly. One vitamin I was really interested in reading about was Vitamin B, particularly Vitamin B12. Based on Joy McCarthy’s blog on her website, here’s some information on B12 that can be found:

Who is at risk?

  • Vegans
  • Vegetarians
  • Some meat eaters who has trouble with digestion

Symptoms of Low Levels:

  • Weakness, tiredness or light-headedness
  • Rapid heartbeat and breathing
  • Pale skin
  • Sore tongue
  • Easy bruising or bleeding, including bleeding gums
  • Stomach upset and weight loss
  • Diarrhea or constipation

Why might I be low in Vitamin B12?

  • Poor diet, not eating enough foods that contain B12
  • Low stomach acid, low intrinsic factor
  • Long-term use of acid-reducing drugs
  • Conditions affecting the small intestine, such as Crohn’s disease, celiac disease, bacterial growth, or a parasite
  • Excessive alcohol consumption
  • Stress
  • Food sensitivities
  • Birth control pill

Now that you have these facts, check out Joy’s blog (this one was written by Lisa Knapper, ND) and see what they recommend!

Food Fridays: Quick Breakfast Taco

Mmm I love tacos

Check out this healthy recipe from Eating Well!

Makes: 1 serving
Active Time: 15 minutes
Total Time: 15 minutes


  • 2 corn tortillas
  • 1 tablespoon salsa
  • 2 tablespoons shredded reduced-fat Cheddar cheese
  • 1/2 cup liquid egg substitute, such as Egg Beaters


  1. Top tortillas with salsa and cheese. Heat in the microwave until the cheese is melted, about 30 seconds.
  2. Meanwhile coat a small nonstick skillet with cooking spray. Heat over medium heat, add egg substitute and cook, stirring, until the eggs are cooked through, about 90 seconds. Divide the scrambled egg between the tacos.


Per serving:  153 calories; 2 g fat (1 g sat, 0 g mono);  3 mg cholesterol; 15 g carbohydrates; 0 g added sugars; 17 g protein; 0 g fiber; 453 mg sodium; 207 mg potassium.

Carbohydrate Servings: 1

Exchanges: 1 starch, 2 very lean meat


Check out the website for the picture and other great recipes!!

13 Unexpected Benefits of Exercise from Greatist

Unfortunately, I’ve been struggling with a  bit of writers block lately. I’ve got so much on the go right now that my brain doesn’t have time to really stop and think. That and mix in over a months worth of terrible sleeps (haven’t slept through the night since 2013… maybe early December?) and you got writers block. Last night before I was “falling” asleep, I saw a friend posted this on her facebook: “13 Unexpected Benefits of Exercise”. Some of these you may have heard, but some you maybe have not. Check out Greatist’s list below:

  1. Reduce Stress
  2. Boost Happy chemicals (anyone remember Legally Blonde? “Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don’t shoot their husbands, they just don’t.”)
  3. Improve self-confidence
  4. Enjoy the great outdoors
  5. Prevent cognitive decline
  6. Alleviate anxiety (I can definitely attest to that)
  7. Boost brainpower
  8. Sharpen memory
  9. Help control addiction
  10. Increase relaxation
  11. Get more done
  12. Tap into creativity
  13. Inspire others

With a list like that, what are you waiting for? Get off your hineys and start moving. I say that with love and because I care 🙂

Check out the link for more information:

Joy McCarthy’s 5 Tips to Beat the Monday Blues!

I don’t know about you, but the weekends never seem long enough. They feel like they fly by faster than anything else. Here is Joy McCarthy’s list of 5 Types to Beat the Monday Blues. Check out her website for all the details. I have added my own notes in brackets):

1. Get moving — exercise! (Being a Registered Kinesiologist, Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Health Coach, I totally agree with this one. Exercise is the cure to everything, in my opinion… I would love to be up and moving right now instead of sitting)
2. Give someone a compliment (Yep, it helps… that’s all I can say)
3. Practice gratitude! (Definitely something I have to work on and I m trying to get better at that)
4. Dress Nicely! (I notice that I feel a lot better when I dress nicer/put on makeup. For a while when I was at the office I am working at, I would wear very minimal makeup. Sometimes I would go out of the house looking the same way. I noticed a HUGE difference with my self-esteem and how I felt. I was actually embarrassed about walking around looking like that. My excuse would be “well, I’m not trying to impress anyone at work because a) I’m not currently working in my field yet and everyone knows I’m only there temporarily and b) my boyfriend isn’t at work”. I noticed a difference with not wanting to talk to people as long because I didn’t want them to look at me and would try to avoid meeting someone… both things that are totally not me. Therefore, trust Joy and trust me when I say… always dress nicely and try to look your best. It makes you feel a hekofa lot better)
5. Eat Mood Boosting Foods: (Esp. Vitamin B’s…  wow baby. Not getting enough vitamin B’s sure as hek makes a huge difference. I forgot to take my vitamin B’s today and I feel like running home just to take them to help bring back my mood).

Hope you all have a great Monday and make the best of it. Monday is almost like hitting a restart button. Had a bad week last week? Hit the restart button and make this next one better! Use it as motivation. Exercise, eat healthy and be grateful. If you had a lapse, it’s okay… that’s normal.

Check out the link below with Joy’s explanations on why this list helps beat the Monday Blues: