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Did you know?: The Cold Hard Truth of Being Sedentary

In my perfect world, I would have a job that allows me to be up and moving on a regular basis. My background is in Kinesiology, therefore, I am constantly wanting to move. One day I will have a job that will allow me to do this, but I currently have a desk job. I know about all the risks of being sedentary, but people don’t seem to be bothered by it. Some people are comfortable being sedentary but do you really know the cold hard truth of what it’s doing to your body?

Here are a few potential risks of being Sedentary from my CSEP-PATH notes:untitled

1. Increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes
2. Increased risk of coronary heart disease
3. Risk of premature mortality (yes, I just said… being sedentary may cause you to die earlier)
4. Increase risk of unfavourable body composition
5. Increase risk of high blood glucose levels
6. Decreased fitness (you won’t be able to carry out those daily habits as easily)
7. Decreased self-esteem
8. Decreased academic achievement

Are you curious to see how active you are? Go out and get a pedometer or download an app on your smartphone which does the same thing. Pedometers are great for tracking the amount of steps you take in each day. You may be surprised at how much or how little activities you do each day. At the end of the day, write down the amount of steps you take and try to increase your step count by approximately 100 steps each day. You can do it!